Welcome to the HyPriority Loyalty Program!
Earn points and get even more benefits of Hyatt Regency Ekaterinburg excellent service!
Program Terms and Conditions:
Points can be earned for any hotel services, except: room and parking space rentals, third-party bookings and banquet services.
Loyalty program points are calculated by the total amount of the invoice minus all applicable taxes. Points can be credited to the account only in case the cardholder's personal stay in room or personal presence at hotel outlet. Members cannot transfer or combine points of the loyalty program.
One member can earn points for maximum three rooms per stay. Earned status is active for the current calendar year and the following year. The status for the new calendar year is assigned in accordance with the number of points earned during the previous period.
The account is deactivated after 365 days if there is no accrual to the balance at STANDARD level.